23日 1月 2024
Research led by Professor Yukio Ohsawa of the University of Tokyo, in collaboration with Oda Pharmaceuticals, is set to make significant advancements in the development of a plant gene screening algorithm based on heterogeneous metadata from multiple sources! The research team headed by Professor Yukio Ohsawa at the University of Tokyo has been advancing research on selecting various data according to user needs and on the utilization and visualization of such data. Although there has been...

02日 10月 2023
Dear Customers, Today, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new product "ABLATION," a long-awaited addition from Oda Pharmaceuticals, a company that has been delivering trust and quality since its founding. "ABLATION" has been approved by the Consumer Affairs Agency (License Number I635) and is a functional food that can be safely consumed by those concerned about high uric acid levels. Its key ingredients are a luxurious combination of loquat extract and chrysanthemum extract,...

15日 9月 2023
Dear Customers, As we feel the deepening of autumn, we rejoice in your continued well-being and thank you for your longstanding patronage. We must sincerely apologize for the unexpected inconvenience caused by temporary difficulties in our manufacturing process. Due to a surge in overseas orders, our production line could not keep up with market demand, leading us to the tough decision of closing our official online shop and Amazon store for about half a year. However, after a long wait and...

01日 8月 2023
Dear All, We are pleased to share some exciting news from Oda Pharmaceuticals. Starting from August 1, 2023, we will officially begin selling our new product "NIRVANA CREAM". This product marks the first application of our proprietary PPN regulation technology in the area of external permeation.

25日 7月 2023
お客様各位、 夏季のご挨拶を申し上げます。さて、夏季お盆休みについてご案内申し上げます。 弊社の休業日程に従い、2023年8月9日(水)から、夏季お盆休みを取り、8月23日(水)まで休業いたします。この期間中、弊社は一切の業務を停止させていただきます。...

18日 7月 2023
皆様、 お世話になっております。 織田製薬株式会社から、新たな製品「青のスッキリ」の公式販売が開始されましたことをお知らせいたします。 「青のスッキリ」は、「国産青汁」と「沖縄ゴーヤ」の2つの貴重な成分を絶妙に配合した青汁です。 これらの成分が青汁に与える重要性について、そしてそれが人体にもたらす利益についてご紹介いたします。...

03日 6月 2023
皆様、 平素は織田漢方製薬商品をご愛用賜りまして誠にありがとうございます。 現在、弊社織田漢方製薬株式会社の住所などの情報を無断で盗用している「偽通販サイト」の存在を確認しました。 弊社はそのような「偽通販サイト」とは一切の関わりはございません。...

01日 5月 2023
Dear All, We hope this message finds you well. We are pleased to announce the successful introduction of PCR devices (Polymerase Chain Reaction Equipment) from Qiagen, Germany. This significant technological advancement will contribute further to enhancing the effectiveness of our products. The introduction of this crucial technology is a key factor in improving the efficacy and quality of our products. Qiagen's German-made gene regulation equipment is known for its outstanding performance and...

01日 2月 2023
お客様へ、 まず初めに、この度の『和漢飴玉』シリーズの商品更新に関するご案内が遅れたことを心よりお詫び申し上げます。...
