Oda Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is a type of traditional Chinese medicine that is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and consists of prescribed medicines.

Chinese herbal medicine mainly consists of various natural ingredients derived from plants, animals, and minerals, with plant-based ingredients being the primary focus.

In the traditional sense, Chinese herbal medicine combines different types and quantities of these natural ingredients based on records found in classical texts to enhance their therapeutic effects. This combination method is rooted in ancient Chinese medical philosophy, specifically the concept of "Jun, Chen, Zuo, Shi."

  • "Jun" refers to the primary medicinal component used to treat specific diseases, such as gout treatment.
  • "Chen" serves as the secondary medicinal component to address related symptoms arising from the illness, like treating the red and swollen areas during a gout attack.
  • "Zuo" acts as a supplementary ingredient to facilitate the absorption of Jun and Chen medicines, enhancing enzymatic activity to maximize therapeutic effects.
  • "Shi" functions as an introduction to guide the medicinal components precisely to the symptoms for targeted treatment.

Oda Pharmaceutical has improved upon this philosophy using the P.P.N technology system as follows:

  • Purifying the primary medicinal component (Jun) to remove unrelated impurities and enhance purity.
  • Separating the secondary medicinal component (Chen) for specialized treatment of specific diseases and symptoms.
  • Analyzing the supplementary ingredient (Zuo) to understand its mechanism of action, replicating its function directly in the main component, allowing the primary medicine to naturally possess the properties of the supplementary medicine.
  • Evolving the introduction component (Shi) and analyzing its targeting mechanism in modern medicine, incorporating its targeting properties directly into the main component, assisting the primary medicine in exerting its effects directly.

This approach aligns with the traditional Chinese medical philosophy while incorporating modern techniques and knowledge to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine.

Product Information

    Gold Leaf

    Oda Herbal Medicine

Our Efforts in High-Quality Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


We continuously pursue the ideal Chinese herbal extract formulation with consistent quality management adhering to pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards and advanced production techniques.


Throughout each stage of the process, from raw materials to extraction, spray drying, dry granulation, packaging, and final product assembly, we conduct process inspections, including the analysis of active ingredients, to ensure the production of high-quality products.


Our dedicated workforce is committed to constant improvement and never settles for the status quo, ensuring that every product meets the highest quality standards.

Production System


We are constantly working to strengthen our hygiene management system through activities such as inspections by the Health and Safety Committee.


Each day at our factory begins with health checks for our workers, as their well-being is essential to producing products that contribute to our customers' health. We maintain the cleanliness of our work environment in the best possible condition through practices like changing clothing, handwashing, air showers, and the use of adhesive rollers.


Through inspections by the Health and Safety Committee and other improvement activities, we are dedicated to enhancing our hygiene management system.